Dream Plan

LifePlan is Your Life Strategy

Discover God's Dream for You & Know How to Get There


The Paterson LifePlan Process is more than just a personal development plan. It’s a two-day intensive that allows you to focus on being the best “you” that you can be. In just two days, you will have an engagement strategy to catapult you into your preferred future.


Beyond a Personal Development Plan


Know your “yes” and have the confidence to step into it!

One of the most difficult things to navigate in our life are the options we have, and LifePlan will help you discover what best aligns with your life purpose and avoid repetitive mistakes or getting “stuck.”

Pivot on greatness.

We find ourselves doing unnecessary things that drain us, so it’s easy to be unfulfilled, but think we’re working harder than everyone else. The truth is we often are. LifePlan identifies your performance “sweet spot” to take advantage of how we’re wired for maximum output.

Discover teamwork.

God exists in external relationships, and you are intended to live that way. We can’t see our blind spots, and James 5:16 teaches us we are stronger when we work together. It’s not you against the world, but you need the right network around you.

Wake up and feel alive!

No one likes to burn out and live life run down. There’s more to life than simply running on the treadmill until it turns off one day. LifePlan helps you develop healthy practices to engage you psychologically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.

Discover and plan for the “whole you.”

Whether it’s work or family, we often get focused on one domain, but we’re so much more complex than that. We have five distinct domains, and LifePlan ensures no part of you is left behind.

Let it go!

We can do nothing about yesterday, but everything about tomorrow. Identify the hurts, hurdles and temptations keeping you from moving into your redemptive future. LifePlan helps you define things holding you down, keeping you from accelerating into your future.





What You Get With LifePlan





Safety & Confidentiality

This is your LifePlan, and it’s a “judgment free zone.”

Clearly Defined Purpose

LifePlan will help you know and be able to tell others why you exist in a way they will understand and you will be confident in.


Most of our lives are spent constantly moving, and we're unable to stop and take it all in. LifePlan provides a comprehensive look at what makes you, you. Diving deep into what’s true about yesterday and today will help build the clearest path to tomorrow with the greatest chance of success.

Complete Outlook

LifePlan is a “whole life” tool. You will not only see your life through all domains, but you’ll build a plan for each one.

Clearly Defined Action Plan

Not only will you know where you want to go, but you’ll develop a manageable course to get there and a Life Dashboard for management of the process’ health on an ongoing basis.




Activate your life with LifePlan

For more information or to get started, contact me today.

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How to Avoid Leadership Suicide
  • What to do when you feel like no one understands the pressure.
  • How to identify your yes and have confidence in your no.
  • How to stay grounded when living between what is real and what is hoped for.
  • How to lead strong when you want to run and hide.
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